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True angels story, narration by
Albert Haldane,
  co author of Angel Signs.

How those pictures traveled through space and time......on a ray of light, and landed in my hands....

 It is Lucy* who brought me those Angels' pictures, after we met for the first time in August 2001.  She came to me after learning from a common friend that Simha and I had "written a book about Angels".  One day, she showed me four original prints that she owned since 1993, and confidently lent them to me for a few weeks.

And Lucy told me how she herself came to possess those treasures: those pictures have been given to her in 1993 by her good friend Max, who told her how it came that he himself had obtained them  Here is the story as Lucy told me . In 1993 Max was on his deathbed since about 6 months, physically exhausted, diagnosed with AIDS, and he had made up his mind: he was really ready to let go, and to go, because so many of his friends had recently passed away. But at a certain point in time, he heard for several days voices resonating above him, although he could not discern by sight any presence in his bedroom. The voices were insisting, and delivering a clear message to Max: "You are not going to pass away now! Not now! Not before two years and half have elapsed! Get on your feet! You have things to do!"

Max wanted to die. But the voices did not stop repeating their message. One day, while the voices were resonating so strongly within his head and in the bedroom, Max took a camera in hand and started frantically shooting in every direction available, in front and on the side, up left and right of his bed...Then the film was developed.....and Max saw the pictures that you have now in front of you. 

Angels! Pictures of Angels! The messengers of Light are making themselves visible.....and in what way!!!!

A few days after the event, Max was back on his feet. He sent some of the pictures to his good friend Lucy. He spent the remaining of his days on earth helping people, mostly bringing food and comfort to those diagnosed with AIDS, answered to invitation by TV and radio stations to speak about his "encounter" with the "invisible" and to show to millions his angels photographs.
As predicted by the "voices" he died 2 years and half after taking the pictures.

So, 7 years after the event Lucy ( Lucia, the messenger of light in this instance) lent me the original prints, those precious memories from Max, that she holds and treasures since 1993, and rarely shows. With her authorization I had the prints scanned by a professional bureau. The operators of the scanner were not told about  the origin of the pictures.  Naturally those prints are not retouched in any way.
I think that Max, whom I did not meet during his pilgrimage on earth, wanted that I see his "Angels' Pictures", and commissioned Lucy to bring them to me.  Thank you Max, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I now assume that Max agrees, with a nod from his/her guardian Angel, that I present those pictures  to you.  You, who have been landing  on this web site, under the skillful guidance of your own celestial Guardian.

*note: Lucy - Lucia means "Light", you did not miss the clue...

Copyright © 2002 Albert Haldane

I you wish to comment on those pictures, e-mail to  webmaster@angelsignsonline.com  

Click on Pictures to enlarge

sm_SCAN1.jpg (27963 bytes)
Three Angels

sm_SCAN4.jpg (33310 bytes)
Angelic Light

sm_SCAN3.jpg (29388 bytes)
Angelic Illumination

sm_SCAN2.jpg (37941 bytes)
Fighter Angel



Beautiful renditions of Angels. Artists answer to the question : Do Angels have WINGS?
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AngelSignsOnline.com Copyrights © 2010-2013 Albert Haldane Simha Seraya   
Update: 07/05/2013